Database Schema
Hello again,

I am attempting to understand the database structure of Creme, but alas I need help in viewing it. 

Could someone please let me know how to access the database schema directly?  (Or maybe someone already has it and could send it to me).

Thank you,
I'm not sure to understand the question.

- You can see the schema with a graphical tool depending on your base (sqlitebrowser, pgadmin3, phpmyadmin...).
- You can read the "models" module in the source code (Python).

You do not have to know all the models/tables (most of them are juste small models like "status", "sector"...), the most important are CremeEntity (table 'creme_core_cremeentity') and Relations (table 'creme_core_relation'), and reading the python code is probably easier.

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